Lemon Eucalyptus Goat Milk Soap

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Yes, you read that correctly! Organic Lemon Eucalyptus (Citrodora) Essential Oil is an actual tree that is native to Australia, Vietnam, and Madagascar, but it is also grown in India, South Africa, Guatemala, Egypt, Colombia, Indonesia, and Albania.

The Eucalyptus Citriodora tree has smooth, pale, uniform, slightly mottled bark, which is white to coppery in the summer. It has a conspicuously narrow-leaved crown which smells strongly of lemons. The strong lemon and mint scent makes it one of the more revered oils in the Eucalyptus Essential Oil family.

Our Nubian Goats produce the best milk for soaps and lotions because of the natural fat and vitamin content. This allows the products to be very moisturizing and filled with vitamins A & D. Not only will you be clean, you will feel revitalized and fresh.

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